Monday, May 07, 2007

earth day, part 2

we walked everywhere downtown...i smelled so many things!!! there were these loud "cars" but they only had two wheels. i didn't like them too much.

mom tried to get me to go to the bathroom in the grass but i was too excited to listen. all of a sudden i had to GO right on the sidewalk. i was embarrassed but mom didn't get mad. she had some doggie plastic baggies and picked it right up.

here's a pic of me in front of a huge statue. the concrete was kinda hot!


i think you can tell i was hot. but mom brought me water and my doggie bowl. she loves me.



  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    You sure are growing into a big handsome doggie, Ranger :) Looks like you had a nice Earth day.

    I hope your mum is okay after Sarge's anniversary - they say time heals all wounds, but sometimes I am not so sure. Make sure you give her an extra hug, okay ?


  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Wow! Earth Day was a very busy day for you. I don't like those cars with 2 wheels either. They're too loud and there's no way us dogs could ride in them! I'm glad my parents like Jeeps. There's plenty of room for us dogs.

  3. Anonymous2:30 AM

    wow OPY stole the words right out of my mouth...ranger you get better looking every day...stop by my blog and check out my belly shots...wink wink...

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hey Ranger, just wanted to let you know I tagged you for the tummy picture game.

  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Sounds like you had fun with all the smells and things! :)

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    You've been tummy tagged.

    Show us your tummy!

