Sunday, March 11, 2007

springing forward?

i hear all my humans talking about springing forward today. "don't forget to spring forward!" they tell each other.

hey. i'm all about springing and pouncing. in a forward motion or side to side. what's the big deal?



  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Hi Ranger! I'm glad I'm not the only one confused about this springing forward thing. I spring forward all the time and then get in trouble for jumping up on people. When humans spring forward, it messes up time though! Meal times, going outside at night times and waking up in the morning times are all messed up now because of them!

  2. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Hi Ranger,

    lucky you, springing into thigs, and we down here are falling...

    Autumn in this hemisphere doesn't stop me from springing around though.

    Chow for now,

    Tin Tin xo

    PS love that pic of you sunning yourself. You've got your priorities right!

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    We sprang forward and confused the heck out of the Lab Brats. They couldn't understand why they were getting fed an hour earlier but they didn't seem to mind. LOL

    Lab smiles!

    Lab Brats Dog Blog
