Wednesday, July 26, 2006

so humiliating

my brother and i were playing and he thought it would be funny to put his shorts on my head. i didn't like it, but i humored him. later on when we were playing again and he told me "no bite", i chewed on him a wee bit longer. hehe.

darn my brother so humiliating



  1. Anonymous11:59 AM


    No matter how humiliting it might seem, you are still a handsome fellow. Mom does stuff like that to us sometimes too but we know she is just playing ... and then we wiggle out of it and rip it up before she can get it back!

    Rosie, Sammy & Andy

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Hey! I'm leaving for school soon but sometimes my mummy makes ME wear things like that too. Once I wore a tank top!!! And everytime I go to the mall I have to wear this weird jacket that's green with white words on it ("Future Dog Guide") when I wear it it means I have to behave.

    You're soo cute no matter what you have on... some times human's do weird things to tickey their fances.. well take care!

    P.S. bite him harder next time if he puts something on you again =) lol j/k.. that could end badly =P .. belive me :|

    Echo (Furture Dog Guide)

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    ranger ,you are soooooo handsome.I love the color ..


  4. Anonymous11:47 PM

    You could always step on his toe or trip him a few times. Then you don't get in trouble, but still get your revenge!

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    cubby - you just may be a genius!


  6. Anonymous11:47 PM

    lookin good, kind of like rocky
